What's is a Referral Fee?...
When you provide links from your website to our site, MP3WavEditor.com, we'll pay you a percentage of the sale price of our MP3 Wav Editor that your visitors buy. This is called a "referral fee" - it's basically a share of the revenue you help us generate. We'll pay you on the 1st of each calendar month. You can check how many have ordered in realtime (You RegNow account has a webpage for you to view these statistics anytime you like.)
Click here (https://www.regnow.com/affiliatepriv/£©to view these staticstics on RegNow account. Enter the Affiliates ID and Password you received via e-mail when signing up.
How much will I be paid?
MP3 Wav Editor |
Referral Amount |
Individual License |
$8.98 referral fee |
5-User Corporate License |
$14.98 referral fee |
10-User Corporate License |
$20.98 referral fee |
50-User Corporate License |
$29.98 referral fee |
Unlimited Site License |
$38.98 referral fee |
As with any programs involving money, certain restrictions apply. See the Affiliate Program FAQ for more information about referral fees.
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